Pleasant Leisure, Create the value of your outdoor life.
Beyond Limits
Kovea was founded in 1982 and Kovea opened the trend of safe and convenient portable gas equipment for the first time in the leisure and outdoor fields of Korea.
Kovea is leading the transformation and innovation of the domestic leisure and outdoor industries.
Kovea is preparing to become a global company by entering the leisure and outdoor industries of overseas countries.

Trango and Vision Kovea, which are subsidiaries of Kovea,
are developing the highest level of gears for climbing, mountaineering, camping, and fishing, as well as performing more specialized and improved quality control.
Kovea is actively promoting business expansion based on sepcial value and technology in active marketing activities, leisure and outdoor industries.
Do Design camping Life’
‘Camping No.1 in Korea’
‘The unexpected world presented by the first camping’
‘Every moment of camping is the best’
Vision Kovea was established in 2001 and
created the first camping industry
base in the leisure and outdoor fields of Korea.
Vision Kovea is pioneering, expanding, and
supporting similar businesses and the cultural industry.
Vision Kovea is contributing and communicating so that camping can serve as a hub in the fields of leisure, outdoor, and travel.
Vision Kovea is developing various camping equipment and unrivaled technology to meet changing camping trends.
And Vision Kovea is taking the lead in providing quality camping information and services.